Professor Cheng Chun Sending Disease-preventive Sachets to Medical Staff Fighting COVID-19
发布时间: 2020-02-28 浏览次数: 333
Recently, Professor Cheng Chun as NJUCM’s leader in fighting the Coronavirus Disease went to medical institutions in Nanjing to send disease preventive sachets to medical workers that are fighting the epidemic caused by COVID-19. The sachet’s herbal components are devised by the Grand Chinese Medicine Master Professor Zhou Zhongying. 

Professor Cheng Chun Sending Disease-preventive Sachets to Medical Staff Fighting COVID-19

发布时间: 2020-02-28 浏览次数: 333

Recently, Professor Cheng Chun as NJUCM’s leader in fighting the Coronavirus Disease went to medical institutions in Nanjing to send disease preventive sachets to medical workers that are fighting the epidemic caused by COVID-19. The sachet’s herbal components are devised by the Grand Chinese Medicine Master Professor Zhou Zhongying. 

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